
review of jane goodall

2017-10-23 19:11
at last seminar, we listen to jane goodall’s interview. I didn’t know much about her, but this time I realized she is a person who could make a wonderful chimp call(^^). I could feel her calm personality from her voice. she didn’t started from definition of “Human” and “Animal”. she just go to wild and live with chimpanzee. then she could found that chimpanzee can make tools. jane goodall have Prosopagnosia. it is surprising on the one hand, but not surprising on the other. she can recognize chimpanzee’s individual voice, but she can’t recognize human faces. i think she had sort of animalizated(?). and she mentioned about trump as a male chimpanzee ^^.

“In many ways the performances of Donald Trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals. In order to impress rivals, males seeking to rise in the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays: stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks.”

and this month a movie about jane goodall was released


and i’ll memorize this paragraph.

“now you’ll be amazed when i tell you that I’m sure that they exist. I’ve talked to so many Native Americans who have all described the same sounds, two who have seen them. There was a little tiny snippet in the newspaper just last week which says that British scientists have found what they believe to be a yeti hair and that the scientist in the Natural History Museum in London couldn’t identify it as any known animal.”
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