
Review of "history of tea"

2018-02-04 19:26
<new words>

edible : be able to eat; 먹을 수 있는; 먹어도 되는

out of ~ : …중에, …에서, …으로, …에 의해, …에서/ ex : I got 75 out of 100

extravagant : 사치스러운, 화려한, 과장된

began in earnest : 본격적으로 되다

lucrative : 수익성이 좋은

further : 게다가, 뿐만 아니라


At the last seminar, we watched our last 'TED-Ed' video which is explanation of tea's history. I learned about origin of the tea and spreading process of tea. According to Chinese myth, tea was first founded by mythical divine farmer Shennong who known as inventor of medical treatment and agriculture. After dozens of centuries, the leaf which accidently drifted into Shennong's mouth became second most consumed beverage in the world after water. At 17th century, tea began to be world spreaded beverage in terms of growth of imperialism and capitalism in Europe.
What I interested was that tea's rapid growth was situated among Great Britain's grew and the Opium War and the born of clipper ship. I guess we can discover similar stories from coffee or cacao's history. This reminds me our everyday life is full of historical contingency. Our lifestyle is random mixture of various cultures.
전체 1

  • 2018-02-05 13:42
    At the last seminar, we watched our last 'TED-Ed' video which was about the history of tea. I learned about the origin of tea and how it spread across the world. According to a Chinese myth, tea was first discovered by a mythical divine farmer named Shennong, who was known as the inventor of medical treatment and agriculture. Dozens of centuries later, a leaf which accidentally drifted into Shennong's mouth became the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. (음.. 이 문장은 나뭇잎이 차가 되었다는건데, 나뭇잎과 차는 다른 물질이어서 다른 표현을 써야할거 같아요) In the 17th century, tea was spread with the growth of imperialism and capitalism throughout Europe.
    What was interesting was that there were many historical events related to the rapid growth of tea, such as the growth of British Empire, the Opium War, and the invention of clipper ship. I guess we could find some similar stories with coffee as well. I feel that everyday life is full of historical coincidences. Our lifestyle is a random mixture of various cultures. (커피 문장부터 마지막 문장까지, 어떤 뜻으로 넣은 것인가요? 마무리가 약간 맥락에 맞지 않는 느낌. 그보다는 대영제국, 아편전쟁, clipper ship이 왜 흥미로웠는지를 더 푸는것이?)