
Homework due next class

2018-02-07 16:38
#1. Make your own sentences out of the expressions you learned. (주어를 바꾸어도 되고, 상황을 많이 만들어서 문장을 풍부하게 만들어 보세요)

a. I can't believe (e.g. I can't believe she wants us to work this weekend!)
b. let someone down (e.g. I'm sorry, I didn't want to let you down.)
c. call someone something (e.g. just call me J.)
d. I'm not the only one (e.g. I'm not the only girl in this class.)
e. make someone do something (e.g. You've made me realize my deepest fear.)

#2. In the next four lines in the sonnet, search the words you don't know and write down their meanings & example sentences on your notebook.
Try to grasp the nuance of the word!
(소네트의 다음 네 줄에서, 모르는 단어 영영사전으로 찾으시고 그 뜻을 노트에 받아 적으세요. 예시문도 같이!
뜻이 너무 많을때는 6개 까지만 쓰셔도 됩니다. 중요한 것은 그 뜻들에 공통적으로 흐르는 뉘앙스를 파악하는 것입니다.)

**제가 말씀드렸던 Old English와 Latin 사전 링크 드립니다
(Old English: http://old-engli.sh/dictionary.php, Latin: http://latin-dictionary.net/search/latin/)

See you on next Tuesday! :)
전체 1

  • 2018-02-08 20:39
    what a kindness! I'll more try to homework because of your efforts.