
Review of "How playing an instrument benefits your brain"

2018-01-13 08:18
Sorry about late review.

<New Words>

precise : 정확한, 정밀한 : 1. exactly or sharply defined or stated 2. minutely exact
3. strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention 4. distinguished from every other at just that precise moment

jubilee : 기념일 : 1. ⓐ a special anniversary; especially : a 50th anniversary ⓑ a celebration of such an anniversary 2. ⓐ jubilation ⓑ a season of celebration

intricate : 복잡한 : 1. having many complexly interrelating parts or elements : complicated intricate machinery an intricate plot 2. difficult to resolve or analyze

interrelated : 서로 관계가 있는, 밀접한 : having a mutual or reciprocal relation

hemispheres : 반구 : 1. ⓐ a half of the celestial sphere as divided into two halves by the horizon, the celestial equator, or the ecliptic ⓑ half of a spherical or roughly spherical body (such as a planet); specifically : the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian affected by the weather in the other hemisphere ⓒ the inhabitants of a hemisphere of the Earth 2. an area of knowledge or activity : sphere, province a hemisphere of life heretofore unknown to us 3. one of two half spheres formed by a plane through the sphere's center : half of a round object

diverse : 다양한 : 1. differing from one another : unlike people with diverse interests 2. composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities a diverse population

simultaneous : 동시의 : 1. existing or occurring at the same time : exactly coincident 2. satisfied by the same values of the variables simultaneous equations


At the last seminar, we talked about our experience of playing music and the benefits of playing instrument on a brain. What i interested among our discussion was that generally our musical experience ended at when we were young. Most of korean parents let their children to learn musical instrument to enhance their children’s brainpower or to make their own free time(by commending children to music academy). But when we grow to adult, we lose our time and motive to keep learning and practicing music. I am feel sorry about it. not because of our less developed brain, but because our less musical life(^-^;). The video makes separation between listening music and playing music either playing music and other activities based on the enchancement of brain’s activity. I do not really know and care about the process of brain activity and brain development. But I can agree with the video about the difference of listening and playing music. There is incommensurable between two in terms of activeness. In addition, according to my own experience, the latter makes the former solidly.
전체 1

  • 2018-01-13 15:41
    our experience of playing music and the benefits of playing instrument on a brain -> our experience of playing with music and the benefits to the brain of playing musical instruments

    What i interested among our discussion was that generally our musical experience ended at when we were young. -> What interested me during our discussion was that our experience of playing musical instruments is limited to our childhood.

    Most of korean parents let their children to learn musical instrument to enhance their children’s brainpower or to make their own free time(by commending children to music academy). -> Most Korean parents let their children learn musical instruments because playing music is known to enhance some brain functions. Or they may just want to have some free time while their kids are away.

    But when we grow to adult, we lose our time and motive to keep learning and practicing music. I am feel sorry about it. not because of our less developed brain, but because our less musical life(^-^;). -> When we grow into an adult, however, we often do not have much time and will to continue playing the instruments. I feel sorry about it, not because we do not have much chance to improve our brain anymore but because now we have less time for music in our lives.

    The video makes separation between listening music and playing music either playing music and other activities based on the enchancement of brain’s activity. -> The video says that activities involved in music and other artistic activities are very different in terms of brain activity.

    I do not really know and care about the process of brain activity and brain development. But I can agree with the video about the difference of listening and playing music. -> I really don't know or care about the process of brain activity and development, but I agree with what the video says about the difference of listening to music and playing musical instruments.

    There is incommensurable between two in terms of activeness. In addition, according to my own experience, the latter makes the former solidly. -> The differences are incommensurable in terms of activeness. (이게 무슨뜻인지?) In addition, according to my own experience, playing musical instruments makes the activity of listening to music more solid (이것도 무슨뜻인지?)