
Review of "Should we get rid of standardized testing?"

2018-01-28 15:55
<New Words>

1. know of : Know about

2. posts : 직책, 자리

3. subject matter : 주제

4. proficiency : 숙달, 능숙, 능란

5. task at hand : 해야 할 일

6. controversial : 논란이 많은

7. sweeping : 전면적인

8. appropriately : 적당하게, 알맞게


The video we watched last seminar was about standardized test. It was focused on reliability and validity of standardized test. The video emphasized that standardized tests are “simply a tool” which designed for certain purpose. Alike we can not measure temperature with ruler, we can not measure various aspects of a test taker with standardized test. The reliability and validity of standardized test is limited to its own usage(purpose? function?). I agree with what video said. But I think standardized test is not always remains as a simple tool. Because our lives are continuation of standardized test. school examination, scholastic ability test, certificate exam, promotion test …. So we give enormous significance to it. And people are very strict to fairness of standardized test. By comparison, most of people are unconcerned about evaluated themselves by a simple tool.
전체 1

  • 2018-01-29 15:28
    At the last seminar, we watched a video about standardized testing. It talked about the level of reliability and validity of the testing, emphasizing that those testings are just "simply a tool" to measure a specific ability of a person. As a ruler cannot measure temperature, a standardized test cannot measure a person as a whole. The use of a standardized testing is limited to measure only one or two qualities. I agree with what the video says but I think standardized testing plays an important role in our society, because our lives are full of examinations: school exams, scholastic ability tests, certificate exams, promotion tests, etc. So people demand that the tests should be fair. In comparison, most people are not concerned with their evaluated self, saying that the tests are just a tool (음 마지막 문장에 무엇을 이야기하려고 했는지 잘 모르겠어요. 맥락에 맞는 말인지?)